Jenny LCD 3D printer sectional uplift & descend user
1. Definition/Terminology
F value: the
feed rate of gcode; its unit is mm/min.
current layer's X, Z, Y value.
ZLiftDistance: the
lift height of Z axis, you could set the value at lift the mm value after
2. Introduction
2.1 Grammar
+, -, *, /
Variable value
is calculated by [[]]
Final value is
calculated by up-mentioned character with {}
2.2 Uplift process
Uplift process:
Gcode after every layer in resin setting.
G1 Z{[[LayerPosition]]+[[ZLiftDistance]]/2} F80
G1 Z{[[LayerPosition]]+[[ZLiftDistance]]} F800
Notice: The
meaning of first line is using F80 speed during the first 1/2 uplift distance.
The meaning of
third line is using F800 speed the following distance.
2.3 Descend process
Descend process: Gcode before every layer in
resin setting
G1 Z{[[LayerPosition]]+2} F800
G1 Z[[LayerPosition]] F100
Notice: the
meaning of first line is using F800 speed descending to 2mm above the bottom. The
meaning of third line is using F100 speed in following 2mm.
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